Taking over a business: types of takeovers


One of the crucial steps in the business takeover project lies in identifying the type of takeover that best suits your motivations and your abilities as a buyer. This classification is generally based on the relationship between the buyer and the seller, and the nature of the planned acquisition transaction.

Internal recovery

Internal takeover, also called internal transfer, concerns cases where a member of staff, a manager or a group of employees buys the company. This type of takeover requires in-depth knowledge of the business , a precise assessment of the company’s activities, as well as rigorous management of financial and legal aspects.

Family recovery

As part of a family takeover, a member of the transferor’s family takes the reins of the business. Here, personal and family motivations play an essential role in the recovery plan. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the financial implications and management responsibilities associated with this form of transfer.

Takeover by a third party

A third-party takeover occurs when an individual or outside company acquires the company. This operation requires a detailed analysis of the company , including an in-depth financial and legal audit, as well as the search for suitable financing . Understanding the target company’s market, as well as identifying the strong and weak points of its activity are determining elements in this type of takeover.

Takeover through rental management

Leasing allows a buyer to manage a business before acquiring it. It is a form of “test” for the buyer, who must demonstrate management skills and the ability to develop the business. However, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the terms of the rental and the expected transfer price.

Whatever the type of takeover envisaged, support from professionals in the sector is essential to guarantee the success of this delicate and strategic operation.

Define your search criteria to take over a business

After choosing the type of takeover best suited to your situation, the next step in your business takeover project is to define your search criteria . This crucial step will guide your approach and help you identify the target companies that best match your expectations and capabilities.

Size and legal status of the company

The size of the company, its turnover, the number of employees, as well as its legal status are important criteria to take into account. They have a significant impact on the management, financing of the buyout operation and the responsibility of the buyer .

Activity area

The choice of sector of activity is essential. It must match your skills, your motivations and your knowledge of the market. However, a thorough analysis of industry trends and competition is essential to assess the company’s growth potential.

Company location

The geographic location of the business can have major consequences on logistics, customer base, available workforce and local regulations. It is therefore essential to include this criterion in your search.

Profitability and financial health

A rigorous assessment of the profitability and financial health of the company is essential. An in-depth financial audit will shed light on the strong and weak points of the company and estimate the sale price.

Development potential

Finally, the development potential of the company is a criterion that should not be neglected. It is necessary to evaluate its growth prospects, innovation, diversification of products or services, and opportunities for expansion into new markets.

The precise definition of these search criteria is a key step in a company’s takeover plan. It must be carried out with care and rigor to optimize your chances of success.Taking over a business: how to define your project?-2

Taking over a business: targeting a type of business to take over

After defining your search criteria, you are ready to target the type of business to take over that best suits your aspirations and your project. This decisive step, which marks the transition between research and action, requires a careful approach and a keen sense of analysis.

Companies in good financial health

These companies are often the most attractive, because they offer a certain security. They have a solid business model, a loyal customer base and good growth prospects. However, the acquisition price can be high and competition between buyers is often intense .

Companies in difficulty

Taking over a company in difficulty can be an opportunity, provided you carefully assess the causes of these same difficulties and are able to provide solutions. The acquisition price is generally lower, but restructuring may require specific skills and significant financing.

Start-ups and young companies

These companies are generally innovative and have strong growth potential. However, they also present risks in terms of profitability, financing and market stability. A good understanding of the industry and a tolerance for risk are essential for this type of recovery.


Taking over a franchise offers the advantage of a proven business model , a recognized brand and constant support from the franchisor. However, the buyer must comply with the franchisor’s rules and share part of its turnover.

Businesses in transfer

These companies are generally stable and profitable, but the buyer must be able to ensure a harmonious transition and maintain the trust of employees and business partners.

The selection of the type of business to take over must therefore be consistent with your skills, experience and appetite for risk. Support from experts can prove invaluable in carrying out this analysis and making the right choice.

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